Control System for Public Events and Cinema Halls

Keyless, Cardless, Ticketless Access Control

Use Smart Phone for Accessing.

hardware device Smartphone


Bhadre Access Control System

Bhadre provides excellent and convenient access control for public transport systems such as airports, trains and buses, Cinema Halls and community events where public are allowed either free or through an entry fee. Install our access controller at the entry and exit doors/gates. If the entry has a door, install an electric strike on the door and cable it to our access controller. If the public place has a gate, cable its push button terminals to our access controller. Then configure the access controller for public use as explained in our documentation. You can set opening and closing hours as well as entry fees, if you want. Booking can also be enabled. This can also be integrated with your current booking platform. Special categories of customers with discounts can also be configured. People enter the hall by scanning the QRCode or NFC tag kept at the entry door/gate. Customers use their smart phone to scan the QRCode or NFC tag. They need to install Bhadres App on their smart phone and register with Bhadre to access these public places. If there is an entry fee, customers are prompted to pay through their credit card. Our system uses Stripe checkout. Stripe will automatically credit the owner of the public place the amount charged minus the Stripe fee.

Ideal System for Public Event Halls and Cinema Hall

WifiSecureAccess system is an ideal access control system for public event halls and cinema halls. With this system installed, public can book and hold a seat using their smart phone. Upon arrival at the gate, they can open the door/gate by swiping the QRCode at that location using an App on their smart phone. The management of the premise will have full control on managing this. This system, thus, eliminates the need for tickets, ticketing machines, or any staff at the counter issuing passes and tickets. The access becomes seamless with the public either booking or holding a seat using their smart phone, and then scanning the QRCode using their smart phonr at the entry door/gate. Billing is done through online payment platform (, and the fees charged are deposited by Stripe directly into the account of the owner of the premises.

Real Time Dashboard showing the current occupancy status of each seat

It is possible to see the current occupancy status of the hall on a real time dashboard. It is also possbile to see the status of each seat on the dashboard. .

You decide who accesses which door, when, and for how long

The management of the premise will have full control on whom they allow and between what hours of a day and what days of the week. A premise can have multiple doors or gates. The management will have control on whom they can allow through which doors. With the level of security incorporated with the system, only allowed users can open these doors, even though anyone can scan these codes. Two-factor-authentication (2FA) with a pin can also be configured, if high security is desired.

Configurable Opening and Closing Hours

Opening and closing hours are configurable. The premise can have multiple opening and closing hours in a day.

Installation and Configuration

We offer to install and configure this system to meet your access control needs, should you choose our package. Alternatively, you can buy our controller and install it yourselves on the doors and gates. We provide full technical support and warranty.


  • Use smartphone to enter and exit instead of parking tickets and cardsa
  • Scan and Enter system
  • Simplifies the use and management of access control with our mobile app
  • Easy installation and configuration. Integrates with the existing system
  • Configurable access categories for different categories of customers
  • Configurable access fees with ability to provide discount to selected customers
  • Ideal both for paid event halls and free free events
  • Auto payment of entry fee via Stripe payment platform
  • Booking and holding a space can be enabled
  • Will show the available seat when scanning at the entry gate
  • Can integrate with your current booking platform
  • Configurable opening and closing hours. Can have multiple opening and closing hours in a day


We offer to install and configure for you to meet your specific requirements. We will also monitor the operation for one month after the installation to make sure that everything runs well and you are satisfied with the the system.



Keep the current Lock and Key

In most cases, you can keep the current locks and controllers as they are while installing our control system. That makes the installation easier and simpler.

Installation Process

In the installation process, we will study what kind of doors and gates you have currently. We will then make a detailed plan on what kind of electromechanical actuators are needed to suit those doors and gates. We will then install our system and inegrate our controllers with your current electromechanical actuators, or we may propose alternatives that will work much better. Our controller gets connected to those actuators. We will, then, configure our system to meet your requirements.

Once installed, there will not be any further manual intervention needed to operate and manage the access control to your cinema halls or public event hals any more. You can monitor the usage and the statistics of usage from any remote computer. The parts and components for installation on every door are the following. This is per door/gate.
  • Bhadre Controller
  • Electric Strike or any simiar actuator that fits your door/gate
  • QRCode


WifiSecureAccess Access Control System is a universal controller that can, not only be used with public event halls and cinema halls, but also with any other types of access control requirements such as access to buildings, public and private transportation systems as well as private and public car parks.. This is a smart phone operated system. The user needs only his/her smart phone to access any restricted area where he/she is authorised to access. The owner of the premises have full control on whom they can allow when and what time.

Click here for the detailed documentation on installation and configuration.

Contact Us today for a demonstration to show you how you can transform your Cinema Halls or public event halls into a place with convenient user friendly access control system that you and your customers will love. We can also provide you a cost effective better access control or parking system for any of your current premises or for a new project.